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Friday, August 2, 2013

The 'Burg' Life { Freshman Year }

{ Imagine }

An area of land, that was once inhabitable.
That uninhabitable land is now called Rexburg, Idaho.
....AND THAT. Is where my college story began....

I resided in Kerr Hall for the Winter/Spring semesters of 2013. Where i had the chance to room with [three] other randomly chosen roommates. Thankfully for me, going up i had planned to room ahead of my time with Kelsey Barney. Who would have thought that after a few short weeks we would become inseparable!  Kelsey and I would spend our afternoon's in the McKay Library on campus, so that we could party hard all night! 

In all honesty, college is HARD. The classes consume your time and living on your own at first can start off rocky. Thankfully, we were fortunate enough to get into the swing of things and we found time for all of our activities. We met so many great people that i wish all lived in the same area as me back at home. The memories and lessons that I've learned will stay with me forever, even if the groups of friends don't. While times might be tough from a load of preparation work to horrifying roommates, I'm just glad that i was able to meet some amazing people.

Kelsey: My main girl up in the 'Burg' I couldn't have asked for a better roommate through both semesters. Practically sisters only a few weeks in, this girl will be leaving on her mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on August 6, 2013! I couldn't be more excited for her and the great choices that she has made.
Daniel [also known as Dan the Man or Dirty Dan]: Lets be honest this guy is my best friend hands down. So glad i met this MAN at the beginning of the spring semester, because we literally hung out practically every day. I don't know what i would have down without this one!
Leanne: Another one of my amazing roommates for the spring semester. I couldn't have asked for a crazier girl that loved me for the crazy girl that i am. This girl had the craziest sleeping schedule, but we had some crazy late night memories that were better than sleep. Wisconsin is lucky to have you!
Alejandra: My beautiful Bolivian roommie (completing the four pack) to our home. Thanks to her we actually ate real food, what she could cook was drop dead delicious. I miss her constant affection towards us about everything. Without her, I would have been the shortest in the apartment!{Thank goodness for her}
The Shaum Family: Probably one of the sweetest and funniest family's I've ever met that happen to be a resident to the land of Rexburg. I seriously would not have survived my two semesters without their friendship. AMAZING FAMILY. 

There were so many great people that i was introduced to over the two semesters. Every moment that i spent with someone was one to remember and i wouldn't take back a single hangout, handshake, name exchange or awkward hug. I love everyone in Rexburg.

Sadly though, the winter & spring semester of 2013 has come to an end. I constantly relate everything back to my life back in the 'Burg' and i miss it all. I would drive back in a heartbeat. BUT as for me, until next winter/spring semester i'll be saving up that hard earned cash so that i can continue furthering my education, because boy if i could live my life in college forever, i would. 

I've realized one thing that those 'old folks' are right about. "College will be one of the greatest parts of life"
They were right because: 

*Just a few of the thousand memories that i happened to capture while in the moment

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